Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Here

Wow, I am 50 and I've just lost my job. Its a first for me, being fired for not having the skills needed to do my job. Especially since I was doing it for 3 years. Its scary, as I have a mortgage, 2 teenagers who live with me every second week and a few bills. But, on the positive side, I do have good work experience and very supportive kids and a most wonderful boyfriend. Lets see if I can find something before my severance pay runs out. Lets see if I can buy groceries, or pay for the gas needed for the interviews. Lets see if I can pay the cell phone bill, or will they come in the middle of the night and repossess it straight out of my hands, as I am begging them if they can look into their evil hearts for one more chance to pay last month's bill. Well, we'll see. I hope I can make it ...only time will tell if the house has to go.
In the meantime, even though I feel guilty about it, I am enjoying having this time off, enjoying the summer weather, and yes even enjoying registering with every personnel agency in town.

So far I've had a few interviews, with no responses yet, and I have two more this week. I am not really interested in these two jobs, because they are six and ten month contracts and I don't want to be tied to a temporary position, if a really good full time job came up. I'll go for the practice and because its better to get all the info before I make a choice, but at this point, it doesn't look good.
I am also trying to find very short term temp jobs, that I can easily give notice, if something good comes along. Sounds like I'm really working hard looking for that job, right? You betcha!
And that's why today I will spending the day at the pool with my cell phone, in expectant anticipation of further interview news!
Have a good day all!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have faith that you'll find something soon!

Thanks for the encouraging words! =)