Friday, February 27, 2009

On the Road Again......
Tomorrow is my sweetie's birthday and I am taking him to Ottawa to see the exhibit from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts titled: Tombs of Eternity: The Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, and it's all about Ancient Egypt, mummies and archaeological digs. There will be lovely specimens to see and an IMAX movie about how these artifacts are found. We will then we hit the road, driving back home, but before we get all the way back, we will be stopping off at his nephew's house for some cake and coffee. We will sing a little birthday ditty of course, then finally back home, where we shall pick up some ribs to bring home, and I will give him his present. Now all this is happening because he LOVES anything to do with ancient Egypt and you would not guess in a million years what his gift is. Shall I tell you now....or wait till Sunday?

I will have to wait till Sunday!!! Main reason is that just in case he ever reads this (highly unlikely) I don't want the surprise to be ruined, and I also want to tell you all about his reaction to the gift! It had better be a good one! I expect total speechlessness, and maybe a small tear. Blubbering nonsense will also be accepted!!

This now means I have made a promise and I must return with news on Sunday.... and I'll update you all on what's been happening!

Have a great weekend!!